
Elena and Matthew – Elkstone Manor and Hatherop Church – Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

Elena and Matt’s wedding took place at St. Nicholas Church in Hatherop, Gloucestershire and Elkstone Manor, near Cirencester in Gloucestershire. It was a day of extremes with bright sunshine one second and the heaviest rain you’ve ever seen the next, regardless of either though I’m pretty sure the smiles did not leave either Matt or Elena’s faces the whole day.
I started the day at Elkstone Manor with Elena, her parents and her wonderful bridesmaids all getting ready together. It was a relaxed and pretty calm start to the day. I then went on ahead to where Matt was greeting everyone at the church in Hatherop. After the ceremony they came out to sunshine and within seconds of the confetti being thrown the sky opened and the rain came down, hard, I’ve never seen so many people move so fast :D
The highlight of this wedding for me though was the first dance, which was hands down the best first dance I’ve ever seen. It started to Bryan Adams, where Elena and Matt could barely hold back the grins as they knew what was about to happen, Bryan stops, they look confused, then Footloose comes on and they break into amazingly perfect synchronised dancing which even the bridesmaid and groomsmen joined in on part way through. It was awesome :) Here are a few of my favourites from the day:

1 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

2 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

3 Bristol Wedding Photographer

4 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

5 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

6 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

8 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

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10 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

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15 Bristol Wedding Photographer

16 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

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18 Bristol Wedding Photographer

19 Bristol Wedding Photographer

20 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

21 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

22 Bristol Wedding Photographer

23 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

24 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

25 Bristol Wedding Photographer

26 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

27 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

28 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

29 Bristol Wedding Photographer

30 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

31 Bristol Wedding Photographer

32 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

33 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

34 Bristol Wedding Photographer

35 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

36 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

37  Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

38 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

39 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

40 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

41 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

42 Bristol Wedding Photographer

43 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

44 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

45 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

46 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

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49 Bristol Wedding Photographer

50 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

54 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

55 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

56 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

57 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

58 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

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60 Bristol Wedding Photographer

61 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

63 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

64 Bristol Wedding Photographer

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66 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

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68 Cirencester Wedding Photographer

69 Elkstone Manor Wedding Photography

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