
Lisa and Tony – Fairford and Burford Wedding – Bristol Wedding Photography

On Jubilee weekend Lisa and Tony got married at Fairford Methodist Church and then celebrated at The Bay Tree Hotel in Burford. I met with the gorgeous Lisa and possibly the most excited bridesmaid in the history of Bridesmaids in the morning at a really lovely B&B in Cirencester called Bromleigh House. It was such a relaxed morning getting ready listening to radio two and some classic rock (Lisa has awesome taste in music, not unlike myself ;D ) They then made their way to Fairford in a cool old Jag. Unfortunately I wasn’t allowed to take photographs during the ceremony :( but made up for this when we got to The Bay Tree in Burford. Incidently we bumped into my friend Louise of Cirencester Cupcakes who had been setting up their awesome cakes, done to a radio theme as they met while working in radio and for the BBC. Burford looked stunning with literally thousands of union jack flags hanging in every direction which just looked so cool against the old Cotswold stone of the buildings, meaning that we got photos that you just wouldn’t be able to get at any other time. Lisa and Tony are such great company, by the end of the day I felt like I had known them for ages and I could not be happier for them!

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9 Cirencester Wedding Photography

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14 Burford Wedding Photography

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18 Fairford Wedding Photography

19 Fairford Wedding Photography

20 Bristol Wedding Photographer

21 Fairford Wedding Photography

22 Fairford Wedding Photography

23 Bristol Wedding Photographer

24 Burford Wedding Photography

25 Burford Wedding Photography

26 Bristol Wedding Photographer

27 Burford Wedding Photography

28 Burford Wedding Photography

30 Fairford Wedding Photography

31 Bristol Wedding Photographer

32 Burford Wedding Photography

33 Cirencester Wedding Photography

34 Bristol Wedding Photographer

35 Bristol Wedding Photographer

36 Burford Wedding Photography

37 Fairford Wedding Photography

38 Bristol Wedding Photographer

39 Burford Wedding Photography

40 Bristol Wedding Photographer

41 Burford Wedding Photography

42 Cirencester Cupcakes Wedding Photography

43 Bristol Wedding Photographer

44 Fairford Wedding Photography

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