
New Look

If you’ve been to my website before you may have noticed that something looks a little bit different, not a lot different, just a little bit. To hopefully make my website easier to navigate and easier for me to manage and update I’ve changed it a bit. I’ve also brought my blog onto my actual website so that you don’t have to go to that nasty blogspot page now :)

A fairly major change though comes in the form of two little foxes. Quite a while ago I started a rebrand, I hired some cool designers and we started work. My work hopefully stands for itself but I wanted the site itself to give you a better feel for who I am as a person. The designers came up with a logo that I loved but we then had to part ways for various reasons, this logo is almost the one you see here. Originally it had a bird but the bird never felt 100% ‘right’ to me. I asked my brother who is both a web developer and an illustrator to start on a new design for my website and also to come up with some foxes for me. The site is still being designed but I love the foxes with the logo so have decided to unleash these for now before the whole site is changed :) as that may be some time. The font for the new logo is just perfect for me, it’s messy yet neat all at the same time. It appeals to the neat, ordered side of me, yet it’s hand drawn appearance appeals to my quirky, fun side. The foxes are just fun, random and cute, everyone close to me have said they are just very me, I hope you like them too. Once the whole new site is done they will probably make a bit more sense too.

There are still some areas I need to tweak, especially within the blog, so please bear with me while I sort these out. My old blog still exists so you can still see and search through the archives there at the moment