
Sarah and Paul – All Saints Church Wytham and Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographs – Bristol Wedding Photographer

Today I have for you the wedding of Sarah and Paul who got married at the All Saints Church in Wytham in Oxfordshire and they held their reception a short walk away at Wytham Village Hall. I had been looking forward to seeing what Sarah and Paul had done for their wedding and in particular Wytham village hall as I know how much thought they had put into transforming it into something special and unique to them and they did not disappoint!
It was a typical 2012 summers day, which meant quite a lot of rain! It chose to come down particularly hard the moment the ceremony ended which as you’ll see left us all wondering whether to make a run for it or not to the hall :) eventually though it cleared and we even got a little bit of sun for their portraits which we did in the church gardens and in the village of Wytham on route to the village hall. It held off just long enough for the photos before it started off again, so can’t complain really :) Here’s a few of my favourites from their day:

1 Bristol Wedding Photographer

6 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

3  Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

5 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

7 Bristol Wedding Photographer

8 Bristol Wedding Photographer

10 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

11 Bristol Wedding Photographer

12 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

13 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

15 Bristol Wedding Photographer

16 Bristol Wedding Photographer

17 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

19 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

20 Bristol Wedding Photographer

21 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

22 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

24 Bristol Wedding Photographer

25 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

26 Bristol Wedding Photographer

27 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

28 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

29 Bristol Wedding Photographer

31 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

32 Bristol Wedding Photographer

33 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

34  Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

35 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

36 Bristol Wedding Photographer

38 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

39 Bristol Wedding Photographer

40 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

41 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

42 Bristol Wedding Photographer

43 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

44 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

46 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

47 Bristol Wedding Photographer

48 Bristol Wedding Photographer

49 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

51 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

52 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

53 Bristol Wedding Photographer

54 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

55 Bristol Wedding Photographer

56 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

57 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

58 Wytham Church Wedding Photographer

60 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

61 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

62 Bristol Wedding Photographer

63 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

64 Bristol Wedding Photographer

65 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

66 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

67 Bristol Wedding Photographer

68 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

69 Oxfordshire Wedding Photographer

71 Bristol Wedding Photographer

72 Bristol Wedding Photographer

73 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

75 Wytham Village Hall Wedding Photographer

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80 Bristol Wedding Photographer