
The Great Tythe Barn Tetbury Wedding Photographs – Hannah and Joe

Easter weekend took me to The Great Tythe Barn in Tetbury for the wedding of Hannah and Joe. I had such a wonderful time with Hannah, Joe and their families and friends who all made me feel so welcome, the day absolutely flew by! We were so lucky with the weather which was at times, baking hot, and only slightly chilly when it clouded over a bit.

Both Hannah and Joe were getting ready in cottages side by side in the grounds of the barn so I started my day with Hannah and nipped across to Joe and back throughout the preparations. They then had to only walk across the garden to get to the barn to be married, Joe’s walk made a little bit more exciting with a surprise bagpipe player. Hannah was sung down the aisle by her choir/theatre group that she was once in and now helps run which was very special and they sung again while they signed their register. Shortly after we made our way into the grounds to take a few photos while a close up magician entertained their guests and the kids went on an easter egg hunt (jealous), this was super fun and I just remember laughing a lot with Hannah and Joe.

They had their speeches before the meal which were all excellent. After the meal was particularly fun, I really enjoyed photographing everyone having a good time. Hannah, Joe and I also nipped off for a few more photos before the sun went down and it was time for their first dance. After this they had a ceilidh, I was obviously a bit too close at this point as I got called in to join in for the first dance which was fun. Here are some of my favourite photos from their day.

Big thanks to best man Alex and friend Stuart for helping me out during the day.

Venue: The Great Tythe Barn
Dress: The Mews, Clifton, Bristol
Hair and make up: Kate Kelvin
Florist: Scentiments, Tetbury
Band: Hetty Pegler’s Tump
Cheese: Cheesemouse Cheeses, Cumbria
Choir: Shooting Stars Youth Theatre Company

The Great Tythe Barn Tetbury Wedding Photographs