
Alison and Howel – Docklow Church and Home Wedding

After days and days of baking hot weather I woke up on the morning of Alison and Howel’s wedding to very heavy rain, thanks weather gods! But Alison and her friends, who were getting ready at Alison’s Dad’s house, were still in high spirits when I arrived and hopeful that it would stop. And it did, for a while at least, as Alison arrived at the Church, slightly late :) which was expected. The church was absolutely full to the brim with guests, many of which couldn’t fit and went to the pub next door, to witness the hearty handshake that sealed the deal :) (a family in joke) The rain held off until Alison and Howel made their exit, hurrah! But then, the heavens opened and it started coming down hard and fast and I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people leave a church and get into a marquee so fast!

With all of the rain and people not being able to enjoy being outside and the views they brought the speeches and meal forward which was a great idea as the evening promised some sun. At first it was just a glimmer and we raced out to get some photos of Alison and Howel in the area surrounding the marquee. But then after the meal the sun came out and it was a lovely warm evening and everyone was able to sit out and soak up the rays and even play a little rugby. We snuck away for a little while back to Alison’s Dad’s home for a few more photos as it was only next door before coming back to some confetti before the evening of dancing started. After their first dance there was a surprise, they had hired a Rod Stewart impersonator who was really good! So after he had sung a few songs I left them to enjoy the rest, here are some of my highlights of the day: