
Claire and Chris – Sacred Heart Church wedding photos in Westbury on Trym and Old Down Manor

On another burning hot day in July Claire and Chris got married at Sacred Heart Church in Westbury on Trym in the north of Bristol before heading onto Old Down Manor for their reception. I started my day at Sacred Heart Church ready for Chris and his friends arrival in a couple of awesome Jag’s. Sacred Heart is the kind of Church that most people wouldn’t describe as a particularly attractive building but I think it’s pretty stunning and huge inside!

As I said, it was a burning hot day so everyone hung around in the shade as much as possible before going inside for Claire’s arrival in a huge Rolls Royce. With a lovely, warm (and enthusiastic) priest and the non stop smile on Claire’s face throughout it was a particularly special service. After the service Claire and Chris went for a little drive in the Rolls Royce while their guests made their way over to the stunning views of Old Down Manor which had been beautifully decorated by Becci of Bijoux Wedding and Event Flowers. When they arrived we went straight off for a few quick photos around the grounds before everyone melted with the intention to do more in the evening when it had cooled a little. Which thankfully it did and so after the meal and brilliant and moving speeches we went back out in to the evening sun. Soon after the band were ready to go and it was time for the first dance, it was perhaps a little too warm still for many to dance but it couldn’t stop some enjoying the band as they were really good! Just before I headed off we snuck out for one last shot of the sun setting in the sky, it wasn’t the most dramatic sunset but it was still pretty gorgeous. Here are some from the day:

Sacred Heart Church wedding photos